How Hotels Can Capture the Hearts of Millennials and Gen. Z

"Hotels can capture the hearts of millennials and gen. z by implementing

innovative strategies tailored to their preferences."

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Why millennials & gen Z matter, and why hospitality and travel industry need to pay attention to them.

1. The most frequent travelers.

• Millennials take more annual leisure trips than any other generation.

• More than half of Millennials and Gen Z in the U.S. are considered to be “frequent” leisure travelers, taking 3 or more trips per year.


2. The biggest consumer

Millennials and Gen Z are projected to make up 83% of hotel customers by 2030.

• Gen Z are the largest generations in the world, about 30% of the global population.

• and account for approx. 40% of all consumers. Gen Z have a global spending power of $143 billion


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